The Benefits of Herbal Supplements in Mood Management

According to data published by Johns Hopkins Medicine, an estimated 26% of Americans aged 18 and over suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in any given year.
A lot of factors can affect someone's mental health, and it's a complicated concept to navigate. Something that people don't think about too much in this aspect is what they're consuming.
What you put in your body can have a huge impact on your mood, so this isn't something to ignore. With the right approach, you could improve your mental health significantly.
In this guide, we'll take a look at the benefits of herbal supplements so you can get a better idea of what you should be consuming and why. Let's get started.
What Are Herbal Supplements?
Herbal supplements are plant-based products that are typically taken for some kind of health benefit or to treat disease. There are all different types, with some being made from entire plants, while others are made from specific parts, such as:
- Leaves
- Seeds
- Roots
- Flowers
- Berries
They can also come in a range of formats, including:
- Capsules
- Powdered
- Dried
- Chopped
- Liquid extracts
Prescription and over-the-counter medicines are made using purified ingredients and are regulated by the FDA. Herbal supplements, on the other hand, aren't regulated in the same way. As such, they can vary in consistency and concentration.
It's important to note that while herbal remedies and supplements are considered "natural," this doesn't automatically mean they're effective and safe. You should always speak to a doctor before taking any such natural remedies.
Benefits of Herbal Supplements
Herbal health supplements are popular all over the world, particularly for people who prefer alternative medicine. There are several general benefits that they provide.
Cost Effective
People often believe that high-quality herbs are quite expensive, though this is a bit of a myth. In many cases, herbal supplements are cheaper than prescription and over-the-counter medications. If you know what supplements you need, you could save quite a bit of money.
Herbal supplements are becoming increasingly popular, and with a higher demand, they're becoming more readily available. When there's a huge variety of herbal supplements out there, it's unlikely that you won't be able to find one that provides the effects you need.
Perhaps the main reason that many people opt for herbal supplements over standard medication is that it's natural. When trying to improve your wellness, you'll likely want to avoid putting anything harmful in your body.
While medication is specifically designed to improve your health, it can contain certain ingredients that many people would rather avoid. Herbal supplements are an entirely natural solution offering a more holistic approach to treatment.
Less Risk of Side Effects
One of the main downsides of pharmacy medications is that they can result in a huge range of side effects. While these aren't common, they can happen and can cause distress, discomfort, or even pain.
In general, herbal medicine causes far fewer side effects. They're created using formulations that help strengthen and support the body. Even with their high efficacy, side-effect rates are typically very low.
Additionally, they're far less likely to cause dependencies or complications, which are a major issue with some pharmaceuticals. Because of this, you can stop taking herbal supplements at just about any time without experiencing debilitating comedown or other negative effects.
It's possible that the symptoms you were experiencing before taking the supplements could return. However, this is as bad as it will get, which is better than can be said of some other medications.
Try and Test Safely
With the guidance of a medical professional, you can try various herbal medicines to help achieve the effect you're after. With the low risk of side effects, dependency, or other issues, you can test different solutions to find what works best for you.
This isn't really an option with pharmacy medications. Testing out different options could lead to various negative effects, even under the guidance of a professional. With herbal remedies, you can more easily find a solution that meets your needs without having to worry about any major health risks.
Best Herbal Supplements to Improve Your Mood
There are various herbs that can offer mood benefits. Let's take a look at some popular examples.
Ginkgo Biloba
Ginkgo is one of the oldest tree species in the world and it's also one of the oldest used herbal medicines. The leaves are used to create tablets, capsules, and extracts, and the dried form can be made into teas.
It may be helpful with various psychological disorders as well as other issues such as:
- Cognitive impairment
- Dementia
- Vertigo
- Cardiovascular disease
Turmeric comes from the ginger family and is native to Southeast Asia, where it has been used in various medicines for years. One of the main components is curcumin which is considered to offer many benefits. Some research has shown that turmeric can benefit people suffering from various mental health conditions, as well as:
- Diabetes
- Arthritis
- Metabolic syndrome
- Cardiovascular diseases
Lavender is often used to flavor foods and drinks, and it's also found in various soaps and cosmetic products. It can potentially help with certain issues like depression and anxiety. Some research indicates that it's most beneficial when taken orally rather than inhalation or topically.
Chamomile has been used for years in various medicines by various ancient civilizations, including the following:
- Greeks
- Egyptians
- Romans
It has been promoted to help with mental issues like anxiety, as well as certain physical issues such as chronic pain and gastrointestinal dysfunction.
The Importance of Nutrition for Mental Health
The various benefits of herbal supplements go hand in hand with proper nutrition. It's incredibly important to live a balanced lifestyle, especially for the elderly. As you age, what you put into your body will have an increasingly significant impact on your mood and your overall health.
Along with this, living in a nurturing environment is crucial. Whitlock Place Assisted Living is a perfect example of this.
Our assisted living community is dedicated to helping seniors live a healthy, happy life. We have various living options and can provide 24-hour care for those who need it. Contact us today if you have any questions or would like to schedule a free tour.